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Monday, August 23, 2010

background cancer

Cancer is a disease caused by uncontrolled tissue growth in the human body, refractory and fatal. secaraglobal cancer incidence around 50-20% and as a leading cause of death, including stroke and heart disease. In Indonesia, cancer is the third cause of death after heart disease and stroke. Cancer treatment requires no small cost, so that families and government are very heavy burden. The causes of cancer is not known with certainty, but a definite presence of genetic factors (hereditary) and triggered by environmental factors. Many environmental factors that are suspected as a cancer trigger factors such as smoking, alcohol, radiation, chemicals, diet, and more. When these trigger factors can be controlled then the cancer can be prevented, at least can reduce the incidence of cancer. There is no satisfactory treatment for cancer, cancer treatment aims to control the growth or kill cancer cells without disrupting the continuity of life and other healthy cell function. Types of cancer treatments used today are surgery, radiation (radiotherapy), drugs killer of cancer cells (chemotherapy), drugs that increase endurance (imunoterapi), treatment with the hormone and treatment with herbs. However, mortality is still very high.
Cancer became a global health problem due to very high death rate, but if it is known early kanaker can be prevented. But too often detected in advanced phase so difficult to treat. In addition to causing suffering to the patient's family also suffered greatly because of that cancer treatment should be integrated and holistic. Unfortunately cancer treatment in Indonesia especially in Bali still has not met expectations.
Patients suffering from cancer besides suffering physically also suffer socially, psychologically and even spiritually. Therefore, cancer prevention in an integrated and holistic approach should involve all components of society, because the needs of cancer patients is very complex, the need for pain-free, needs to be noted, the need for psychological support and the need for spiritual guidance. To help cancer patients overall required a serious effort and the role of community and family is very important. For that we need the empowerment of communities and families.
Departure from these concerns and as yet there are communities that can accommodate cancer patients together and share experiences to strengthen mutual inter-patient, lack of public knowledge in order to prevent cancer, and lack of care for cancer patients who can give you joy, happiness and encouragement for patients, then several people and institutions that we gather the intention to establish a charitable foundation that is expected to evoke the spirit of brotherhood with a concern to patients, and assists the government and other NGOs in the prevention of cancer in an integrated and holistic. We gather ourselves in Cancer Care Partners Foundation (YMPK) with the aim of raising the awareness and increase public awareness of cancer with various activities.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Type - type of cancer

Type - type of cancer known today are:
- Carcinoma

 Which is a type of cancer arising from cells lining the surface of the body or surface of the body channels, such as skin cell tissue, testis, ovary, mucus glands, melanin cells, breast, cervix, colon, rectum, stomach, pancreas, and esophagus.
- Lymphoma

 Which is a type of cancer arising from tissues that form blood, lymph tissue for example, lacteal, lymph, various lymph nodes, thymus, and bone marrow. Specific lymphomas include Hodgkin's disease (cancer of lymph glands and lymph)
- Leukemia

 This type of cancer does not form a tumor mass, but meet the blood vessels and interfere with normal blood cell function.
- Sarcoma

 Which is a type of cancer which is located on the surface of the supporting tissue of the body such as connective tissue, including cells - cells found in diotot and bone.
- Glioma

 Ie nervous system cancers, such as glia cells (supporting tissue) in the central nervous system.
- Carcinoma in situ

 That is the term used to describe abnormal epithelial cells is still limited in certain areas so it is still considered prainvasif lesion (abnormality / injury that has not memyebar)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Little bit about Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma as "a rare form of cancer" and "disease in which cancer (malignant) cells are found in the sac lining the chest (pleura), the lining of the abdominal cavity (peritoneum) or the lining around the heart (pericardium)." Due to a very long latency period and vague, diffuse initial symptoms, malignant mesothelioma is very Difficult to diagnose. Because of the long latency period and the faint, early symptoms of diffuse, malignant mesothelioma is very difficult to diagnose. Mesothelioma is a form of cancer that attacks the lining of internal body organs. A layer of specialized cells Called mesothelium lines the chest cavity, abdominal cavity, and the cavity around the heart. A layer of specialized cells called mesothelium lines the chest cavity, abdominal cavity and the cavity around the heart. It is made of two layers of cells: one layer surrounds the organs IMMEDIATELY; the other one forms a kind of sac around it. It is made of two layers of cells: One layer immediately surrounds organs, one of the other forms a kind of sac in the vicinity. Linings These allow the smooth movement of the Internal Organs and protect the Internal Organs by producing a lubricating fluid (For example, it helps lungs to move inside the chest During breathing). This coating allows smooth movement of internal organs and protects the internal organs by producing a liquid lubricant (for example, will help the lungs to move inside the chest during breathing). The mesothelium of the chest is Called the pleura and the mesothelium of the abdomen is Known as the peritoneum. The mesothelium is called pleural chest and abdomen known as peritoneal mesothelium. The pericardial cavity mesothelium around the heart is Called the pericardium. The mesothelium pericardial cavity around the heart called the pericardium. That Covers The mesothelial tissue internal reproductive Organs in women is uterine serous Called the Tunica, Tunica vaginalis testis and is the mesothelium surrounding the male internal reproductive Organs. Mesothelial tissue covering the internal reproductive organs of women called uterine serous tunica, and tunica vaginalis testis is approximately mesothelium male reproductive organs of internal.Mesothelioma is one of the deadliest diseases known to mankind. The average life span of a person contracted malignant mesothelioma is about 24 months from the time of diagnosis Until death. The average lifetime of a person contracted malignant mesothelioma is approximately 24 months from the time of diagnosis until death. The Average rate of malignant mesothelioma in the United States is relatively low 14 cases per million people per year. The average rate of mesothelioma in the United States is relatively low: 14 cases per million people per year. Most of Them Are people WHO worked with asbestos and Also Those WHO have lived within a mile of an asbestos product plants and Shipbuilding facilities. Most of them are people who worked with asbestos, and also the people who live within a mile of asbestos product plants and shipbuilding facilities. Many people worked with this deadly substance, it would kill unaware That Trust Them decades later. Many people work with this deadly substance, not realizing that it will kill them a few decades later. Workers Poor 'construction workers, asbestos manufacturers, Bricklayers, inslators, Bricklayers, electricians, Mechanics, Carpenters, plasterers, and other tradesmen Were exposed to asbestos on a daily a basis. Workers like construction workers, asbestos manufacturers, masons, insulators, masons, electricians, mechanics, carpenters, plasterers, and other traders exposed to asbestos every day. The members of the family are at risk Also, Because asbestos Fibers Can stick to clothes and hair and even occasional exposure to asbestos is a health risk. The family member also has a risk, because asbestos fibers can stick to clothes and hair and sometimes even the health risk of asbestos exposure. Although The disease is much more commonly seen in and up 60-year old had malignant mesothelioma, has been described in women and early childhood as well. Although the disease is far more commonly seen in people 60 and older until malignant mesothelioma, has been described in women and early childhood as well. It is believed That event one single fiber cans begin the cascade of events That cause malignant mesothelioma. It is believed that even one single fiber can start a cascade of events leading mesothelioma.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Cause of Mesothelioma


mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer that develops from the protective lining that covers many organs, is usually caused by asbestos.
Most people who contract mesothelioma is a result of working at jobs where they inhaled asbestos particles, or they were exposed to asbestos dust and other fibers. washing clothes of family members who worked with asbestos can put someone at risk of mesothelioma. Unlike lung cancer, no association between mesothelioma and smoking, but smoking greatly increases the risk of cancer.
Compensation. via asbestos funds or lawsuits is an important issue in mesothelioma
Mesothelioma symptoms include shortness of breath due to pleural effusion (fluid between the lung and the chest wall) or chest wall pain, and general symptoms such as weight loss. Diagnosis can be suspected by X-ray and CT scan, and confirmed with a biopsy (tissue sample) and microscopic examination. A thoracoscopy (insert the tube with a camera into the chest) can be used to take biopsies. This allows the entry of substances such as talcum powder eliminates pleural space (called pleurodesis), which prevents more fluid from collecting and pressing on the lung. Despite treatment with chemotherapy, radiation therapy or sometimes surgery, the disease took a bad prognosis. Research about screening tests for early detection of mesothelioma is ongoing.

Friday, July 30, 2010


Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer that arises from the mesothelium, which consists of the lung pleura, pericardium around the heart and the peritoneum in the abdomen. Pleura consists of two layers of thin membrane that surrounds the whole surface of the lungs including the area between the lobes. Pleura consists of two layers of thin membranes that surround the entire surface of the lungs, including the area between the lobes. Cancer begins in the pleura which may spread to other parts of the body. Cancer that begins in the pleura can spread to other parts of the body. When cancer starts from the lung pleura, mesothelioma is Recalled